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Maligni hypertermia

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Yllättävä vaikea hengitystie anestesiainduktion jälkeen

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Tulipalo leikkaussalissa

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Hypoksia yleisanestesian aikana

  • Borshoff D.C. The anaesthetic crisis manual. Library of congress cataloging-in-publication data 2011. ISBN 978-0-646-9065-2.
  • SFAI/ESA Checklistmanual 2018
  • The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland 2019: Quick Reference Handbook – Guidelines for crises in anesthesia



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Bronkospasmi ja Laryngospasmi

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  • Overview of acute pulmonary embolism in adults. UpToDate. Overview of acute pulmonary embolism in adults – UpToDate


Bradykardia (aikuiset)


Takykardia (aikuiset)